Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Modernist Graphic Design

Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, from Dunes, 1914. From Drucker p. 124.

"For all intents and purposes, visual poetry can be defined as poetry that is meant to be seen – poetry that presupposes a viewer as well as a reader." - William Bohn

Poetry isn't just about reading it aloud - it is meant to be seen and replicated through type and image. Visual poetry was developed from a large number of factors, including Mallarmé's prototypical Un Coup de Des (1914).

IBM (1961) Computer Advertisement [online] Available at: http://gadgets.boingboing.net/2008/08/08/101-classic-computer.html

This IBM advertisement uses emerging photo montage techniques (typical of modernist design) to create a vivid piece of imagery. The use of subdued colours against the black stripes create immediate impact. The imagery dominates the ad as the text is laid out in a simple, one paragraph structure.

Insurance advertisement, Outing Magazine 35:4, Jan. 1900. APS Online; pg. XXVI.

Although at first glance, this may seem like a relatively simple insurance advertisement, the designer has included a wide array of text sizes, weights and text positioning in order to create a visually interesting and stimulating piece. It is reminiscent of modernist graphic design as it is anti-ornament and an engaging piece of text, originating from short, simple phrases presented in an unusual composition.

lya Zdanevich, “Soirée du Coeur à Barbe”, 1923

This innovative example of modernist design transforms type into image and is largely anti-ornament. The curve of the text embodies the negative space which in itself, encompasses a short paragraph. The text consists of bold, black serif and sans serif typefaces yet the larger letters are mostly sans-serif and seem to create the most impact, (S and E)

Carlo Vivarelli, Neue Grafik, 1958 [online] Available at: http://wiedler.ch/felix/books/story/260

Grotesk, a sans-serif typeface, is prominent in early modernists works. The design is based largely on form follows function as the composition is intended to ease reading - this is due to the left aligned text, clear and concise spacing throughout and the use of the aforementioned sans-serif typeface.